Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chemtrails Over Hollywood


  1. If you take 1500mg of NAC per day you will prevent a "Cytokinic Storm" of anti-bodies from filling your lungs and killing you in direct response to a overload of chemtrails....Check out
    "Life Extension Magazine" a few months ago for the article on NAC where I read about this....Keep up the good work and get a "Hepa Filter" for your mouth and your house...

  2. Never heard of NAC but do know that cilantro and grape juice pull toxins/metals out of the body.

  3. Thanks for the information on the cilantro and grape juice....But I forgot to also tell you that "Chorella," and "Spiralina," can also expel heavy metals that are in the toxic chemtrails as well...NAC can also remove mercury from the body too....

  4. PS I've started taking diatomaceous earth every day too.
