Friday, January 28, 2011

Received More Chemtrail Pics

"Trying to drag any moisture into sw only fuels monster ice storms from Gulf into New England!"

"something wrong here?"


  1. Did you ever hear of a guy calling him self Jay Reynolds ? seems he has nothing better to do then try to debunk theorys on whats going on , and if you google his name he been at it for over 10 years , government troll , he been posting comments on the newspaper article negative to the questions we have been asking , he seems to be a thorne in the side of most chemtrails sites ,

  2. Its real heavy today in vero , fake clouds everywhere ,

  3. Never heard of him but not surprised. He's one of many who are most likely on the payroll.

  4. Here too in Panama City Beach... then it got overcast the rest of the day. Hope to post pics in a bit.
